Return to programs and sport – June 10, 2020

As some services and activities in BC are beginning to open up, we wanted to give you an update on what BC Blind Sports is doing, recognizing that things continue to change in this environment.

  • The instructions we have received from provincial funding authorities is that while some parks and municipal and private recreation facilities in communities are beginning to re-open, “…these activities should not be organized or operated by a PSO [provincial sport organization]…” (such as BC Blind Sports). They say “Participation in these activities is at the discretion of the individual and should adhere to current public health recommendations.”
  • We are waiting to receive return to play guidelines which are under development by ViaSport BC – which is our funding partner in the BC Sport System. Once received, we will be developing return to sport/activity guidelines for BC Blind Sports on a sport specific basis in consultation with instructors, coaches, and managers as appropriate by sport and location.
  • As a member of Sport BC, we are also working with them and our provincial sport organization peers in exploring the many implications of return to play/activity/sport.
  • We recognize that return to group – in person – activity and sport will be different based on the specific sport, location, season, and may occur at different times. We will have to follow National, Provincial, and Local health guidelines, as well as the guidelines from ViaSport.
  • We also recognize that each individual will have to make their own decision regarding their personal level of ability and comfort about how and when they are able to return depending on their own situation. We are also exploring options of how we could provide a combination of in person and virtual programming for some specific activates should this be the best option for some members.

We are very interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas about return to sport planning – please share your ideas and questions with us.

You can continue to contact us as follows:

Phone: 604 321-1638
Toll Free Phone: 1 877 604-8638

In the meantime, please stay safe, keep well, remain active, and keep following the provincial health guidelines.

Yours sincerely,
Jane, Mike David, and Susan
The BC Blind Sports Staff

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