BC Blind Sports Family Day Skate
Monday February 17
Drop in Family Skate from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Followed by a Demo Game by the BC Blind Sports Eclipse Hockey Team 2:30 to 3:30
Where: Queens Park Arena New Westminster
51 – 3rd Avenue (at 1st Street and 3rd Avenue)
For additional information contact BC Blind Sports
604 325-8638
Fundamental Movement Skills Resources
An updated resource for participants who are blind, partially sighted, or deafblind, families, educators, or other practitioners who work with people who are blind, partially sighted or deafblind. The Fundamental Movement Skills Resources (An Opportunity for All) supports the development of fundamental movement skills through fun activities and games which are adaptable to participants of varying ages, skill levels, and physical capabilities.
Boccia for Students with Cortical Visual Impairment
Boccia is a game which can be played by individuals with limited mobility however can be played by individuals with or without a disability. It is a sport in the Paralympic Games which was originally developed for people with severe Cerebral Palsy. We’ve developed some modifications to this popular game to meet the individual needs of a variety of students with a Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI). More...
Notice of 2024 BCBSRA AGM:
A reminder of the Deadline for Call for Nominations Date is 4:00 p.m. Thursday September 5, 2024. For details visit the Administration page
The 2024 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the British Columbia Blind Sports and Recreation Association will be held at:
6:30 p.m., on Monday September 23, 2024, via zoom. Additional information will follow in the coming weeks.
Chair Yoga - Virtual - Sunday 6:00pm ;
Dragon Boat Fitness - Monday 7pm
Fitness - Virtual - Thursday 7:00pm
BC Blind Sports Active Living Network – Meets once every 4 to 5 weeks
A program to bring people together to celebrate the value of all daily physical activities. Virtual gatherings will help plan activity goals together. Participants log their activities and a group summary helps us move forward. Presentations will promote health and wellness through the pandemic and beyond. More...