Support Us

Donations and Planned Giving

We rely on donations to provide a wide range of quality program and activity options for British Columbians who are blind, partially sighted, and may also be from an additionally underrepresented population. Support from donors go a long way in helping our members and athletes experience physical activity and sport and develop their skills.

Opportunities exist for all ages from children and youth, through to adults and seniors and can be learn to, recreational, or competitive in nature. Participants and athletes are supported in their activities through specialized instruction techniques and adapted equipment. Costs can include transportation, facility rental, sport and adapted sport equipment, a trained instructor or coach, and participation in competitions.

There are physical, social, and mental health benefits to being involved in sport and we are helping British Columbians who are blind or partially sighted accrue these benefits through our programs and activities.

We are a registered charity. We can provide a tax receipt for donations, please request one if you would like one.

Thank you for your support!


Our Funding Sources:

The British Columbia Blind Sports and Recreation Association is able to provide programs and services due to generous donations from the public, foundations, organizations, businesses, as well as other private sources. We also receive funding from the Government of BC through ViaSport, and Government of BC Gaming Grants. At times, our participants and their families also fund a portion of some activities, in particular when participants compete outside their local region.

Our programs are also supported by volunteers, who contribute hundreds of hours to coach, manage, plan, organize and run events, drive our athletes and participants to the training or competition venues, and support in many other ways. We are deeply indebted to our volunteers and would like to make their efforts easier and more broadly felt by the community of blind and partially sighted British Columbians.

To do this, we need your help.

Donations, whether they are cash, time, or a donation in kind that we can use to improve our programs, would all contribute to the expansion and improvement of our wide range of services and programs.