Round 2: Lessons 1-3

An Opportunity for All!  Lessons 1-3, April 16, 2021

Lesson One

Fundamental Skill: Learn to run!

Learn to run! Being able to run efficiently is a skill that will affect many different types of physical activity. It will also help build strength and fitness allowing one to participate and enjoy activities. You can do this around the house or in the yard. One of the most difficult things is teaching someone to lift their knees when running. Two activities can help improve that.

1. Marching drill
Begin with marching on the spot lifting alternating knees. You can reinforce this by having the individual hold their hands out in front and have them hit their hands with the knees. An alternate method would have them hold a hockey stick or broom in front and hit that with their knees. The second phase would be marching forward with very small steps. The third phase is moving slowly forward at quicker pace.

2. Stair climbing
A great way to build the strength is do go up stairs with an exaggerated lift or up a small slope or hill, always coming back down slowly in a regular motion.

3. Games
Make a game of it by counting steps or doing it by time. Use a timer, do it to music!

Teaching points

  • Be light on the feet
  • Land on the balls of the feet
  • Keep your head up!
  • Do not look down at the ground or the floor (it does not move!)
  • Increase the time and distance progression over the lesson and days
  • Arms should swing slightly back and forth
  • Right knee up-Left arm forward (bent at elbow with the thumbs sliding by your hip and in an upward arc.)
  • Use hockey sticks or something similar to promote arm swing by having the student grasp one in each hand. Stand either in front or behind the student and hold the sticks in each hand
  • The instructor can then initiate and control the movement of the arms

Some samples of the movement available on-line

Videos of Drills


Lesson Two

Fundamental Skill: Running part 2

Efficient running is a skill that has an impact on many physical activities

The ability to run smoothly also helps build strength that helps to ease participation and enjoyment games and actions in a physical activity.

Let us add to this skill. You can do this around the house or in the yard. Our first lesson was trying some drills such as marching on the spot lifting alternating knees.

Now we want to increase the speed and add two more movements to the development of the running motion

1. Rear end kicks or Butt kicks
Student kicks heels back up towards the backside alternately of course! Head up facing forward and arms moving gently back and forth as the marching drill. Move forward taking very small steps. You can vary the speed to enrich it
Move outside on the grass. Maybe try going up a slight hill. Scuffing the feet is ok

2. Fast Feet or Quick feet.
Have the student not lift their feet too high but rather quickly tap their feet in a quick motion, on the balls of the feet, moving SLOWLY forward. Again keep the head up and landing lightly on their feet not slamming down too hard

Teaching Points

  • Emphasis is quiet movement
  • Stress the quickness of the steps
  • Small steps is the goal
  • Keep the head up facing forward
  • Arms should be swinging at same rate as the foot movement

Videos of drills

Butt kicks and quick feet

Lesson Three

Fundamental Skill: More Running

(Again I know! However running is a big part of successful physical activity)

We want to strengthen running skills even more! Let us add Giant steps and backward running

1. Giant steps
Taking giant steps will help lengthen the stride length and knee lift. You can exaggerate the marching step by using small blocks or objects to step over and use hula hoops to step into, gradually moving them farther apart. Chalk marks or similar markings on the ground are another way to guide the steps. Try taking two steps up a staircase as a way to enhance the concept of big steps.

2. Backward running
This is a good way to increase the flexibility needed for efficient running by promoting lifting the feet and knees. Start by walking and progress to very slow running backward. Knee lift does not have to be high but must allow feet to plant on the balls of the feet and not shuffle.

The purpose of this lesson is to increase the speed and add continue to use the earlier movements of fast feet marching, and butt kicks we introduced.

Teaching points

  • Light on the feet
  • Land on the balls of the feet,
  • Keep the head upright and still
  • Try to do a time and distance progression as a way of increasing strength.
  • Arms should swing slightly right knee up left arm forward (bent at elbow with the thumb sliding by your hip and in an upward arc.

*Continue to keep up the marching drills and other drills as well!

Videos of Drills

On-Line Resources

Many websites provide physical literacy ideas and activities now. BC Blind Sports may be able to provide suggestions how possible adaptations. If something looks interesting and you wish further information, please contact us!

“Active for life” has many great activities and ideas that created for use around the house or yard. Many are easily adaptable to students with a visual impairment.

For a variety of available adapted equipment, try:

This online store has items for sport and general physical activity available

Adapted Equipment Suggestion

Hula Hoops!

One of the most versatile and inexpensive tools to use. Find ones with sound makers in them.

They make great targets for throwing things at or through. Hang them from a tree or a doorframe.

Hula-hoops range in sizes and many colours. Lay them on the ground as stepping-stones for hopping and jumping safely. Many of our upcoming skills will use them. They are available at most dollar type stores and big box stores as well. Get a few! Get some bright colours! Great for skipping with as well! A great way to localize equipment and starting points for activities.

images of jumping in a hula hoop, throwing a ball through, or tossing hoops over plastic cones


Bean Bags! Beg, borrow or make beanbags. They are useful for many different types of activities. They can also be colourful and bright.

The material of beanbags can have a textured surface to be tactile in order to help differentiate for those with limited vision. Beanbags are a great tool for learning to throw or toss objects. They are easy to grip and pickup. They are soft and pliable making it easier to catch when learning. You can get them in different shapes and sizes.

Beanbags are excellent when used for throwing at or tossing towards a target. As an example, either using hula-hoops that are hanging in the air or laying on the ground.

turtle shaped bean bags  children tossing bean bags onto a target

different textures, shapes and sizes of bean bags

We will be using these items during the upcoming sports day!

For Information and Resources, please contact
Mike Lonergan
BC Blind Sports and Recreation