Round 2: Lesson 5

An Opportunity for All! April 28, 2021

Fundamental Skill: Hopping and Jumping

Hopping and jumping are fundamental movement skills that are useful in many physical literacy activities. Begin with two footed jumps on the spot
1. Jumping on the Spot
Have the student crouch down with both knees bent and then “explode” upwards, landing on the same spot you jumped up from. Use a tactile or a visible locator item such as a soft mat or flat non-slippery sheet of material to start on. A brightly coloured Hula Hoop will work as well.

Teaching Points

  • Swing the arms upwards together at the same time the jump happens. You can use a hula-hoop or foam swim noodle for them to hold onto to promote confidence as well.
  • When landing the knees should be bent to absorb the impact. Try it on grass or carpet and avoid concrete. Blacktop roads are even softer than concrete.
  • When confident have them jump up and touch an elevated object like a noodle

2. Two footed hopping for distance
Time to add some distance to the hopping in a forward direction by incorporating a swinging motion with the arms.

Teaching Points

  • Have a target area to land in using hula-hoops or a landing zone marked in some contrasting way.
  • Help guide the individual by using hoops or noodles or hockey sticks for them to hold on to at the beginning
  • Push off from the toes by rolling forward from the crouch.
  • Gradually extend the distance of the targeted landing area
  • Hop over objects such as pool noodles or small foam blocks
  • Try hopping up stairs or a slope using a stabilizing tool such as a hockey stick.
  • Use the agility ladders from the previous lessons

3. One-foot Hop
Repeat the same skills but on one foot. Try different feet to determine the strongest one.

Teaching Points

  • Use a noodle or hula-hoop as a stabilizing device for them to hold with one or two hands to help with confidence when jumping
  • Use low barriers such as pool noodles to hop over top of.
  • Try multiple jumps in a row
  • Emphasise using the arms as a balance mechanism

Useful Videos:

NWABA is a great site with some applicable lessons for visually impaired instructions on hopping and other locomotor skills
Other videos that help

Side step hopping

Adapted Equipment

Pool Noodle
A very handy piece of equipment to have available is a set of inexpensive foam pool noodles. Pool noodles are used for a variety of fun physical activities. They are useful as a stabilizing device as they are easy to grasp. They are useful for using for making boundaries for games that require targeting practice like bowling. They make great markers for safe areas when marching running or jumping. Many of them have a hollow centre and can be slid on to a rope. Make a jump rope with a piece of foam tube to help slow it down and provide a visual clue to help with initiating a jump over the rope. One- or two-pieces work

Section of pool noodle on a rope to provide visual clue for jumping over the rope  2 pieces of pool noodle on a rope to provide visual clue for jumping over the rope  

Use pool noodles as a bat for ball striking games like softball. They are easily adjusted to the height of the student. Make them into circles by duct taping them together
Use them to guide the stroke for golf or hockey shots by lining them up.
Use them to help give a tactile guide for the marching drills from previous weeks or use them as a barrier for safety when trying throwing activities.
You can throw them like a javelin from track and field.

A great guiding tool for holding on to when hopping or jumping in games or movement skills